Zoho Manufacturer Integration


The purpose of this document is to define the steps required for a manufacturer to send lead data from Aimbase to an OEM ZOHO account.    





First thing that will need to be done is to register your Aimbase application with Zoho CRM. 

1. Navigate to the ZOHO API Console App

2. Add Client

3. Select Self Client


Next, you will need to send the Client ID, Client Secret and generate the code for your account to the COE (clientsupport@rollick.io) at Rollick. These will be used to authenticate Aimbase sending lead data to your Zoho account. 

1.  Find your Client ID & Client Secret.


2. Generate Code. 

  • Add ZohoCRM.modules.leads.ALL for Scope 
  • Select Time Duration of 10 minutes 
  • Enter in a description i.e. Rollick integration
  • Select Create

  • Select CRM and "Rollick" under production.
  • Selecting create again will generate a code- copy this code.


The last step is setting up the fields in the Zoho account to capture all the lead data Aimbase is sending. 


1. Go to CRM


2. Select settings and then Modules and Fields under customization


3. Select the Leads module

4. From here you can create additional fields needed to capture lead data sent from Aimbase. Aimbase currently maps to Zoho's Standard fields listed below. At a minimum you will need to create the fields listed as Custom. If there are any additional fields that need to be created Rollick's COE will let you know.

Zoho Field Type Zoho Aimbase
Standard First Name First Name
Standard Last Name  Last Name
Standard Company  Company
Standard Lead Source  Lead Source
Standard Phone Home Phone
Standard Mobile Mobile Phone
Standard Fax Fax
Standard Email Email
Standard Street Address 1
Standard City  City
Standard State State

Zip Code Postal Code
Standard Country  Country
Custom Lead Type Lead Type
Custom Lead Category Lead Category

Brand Brand
Custom Lead Campaign Lead Campaign
Custom Event Event 
Custom Medium Medium
Custom Comment



Things to Consider

Duplicate leads. 

If you prefer to not have duplicate leads within your Zoho account you can setup a uniqueness rule, such as email, or phone. Click here for more information on how to set this up in Zoho.