Use the Lead OData to retrieve and update lead information. This API supports multiple filter and expand options, allowing you to get a list of leads and all the information surrounding them. It will allow you to make an update to a lead, as well.
If you are looking to POST or create a lead, you should visit the Lead API documentation.
This is an OData endpoint and it will support the OData query language. More information about this can be found at odata.org.
Possible Response Codes
- 200 (OK). This request was successful and information will be returned.
- 204 (No Content). The patch was successful.
- 400 (Bad Request). The request is invalid.
- 401 (Unauthorized). The token is missing, invalid, or expired.
- 404 (Not Found). The lead was not able to be found.
- 500 (Internal Server Error). The request was malformed, the lead given in the request did not exist, or some other unspecified error occurred when attempting to retrieve lead information.
The Lead OData API requires authentication. The GET and PATCH request will require a valid Authenticate message header with an API token. See the Aimbase Authentication API for more information on how to authenticate your request.
Authenticate message header example:
Authenticate: Avala-Api {username}:{token}
Query Information
This OData API allows GET and PATCH.
Endpoint for GET
GET https://{baseurl}/odata/V2/Leads
Endpoint for PATCH
PATCH https://{baseurl}/odata/V2/Leads
Lead OData Data Schema
The information below will be returned in a GET. It can also be updated via a PATCH.
Name |
Editable | Values |
Description |
Id | Integer | The Aimbase ID of the lead. | |
ExternalId | String (50) | An external system ID that can be passed in with the lead or updated later. | |
LeadUid | UID | The lead's unique identifier. | |
ProspectId | Integer | The prospect's Aimbase identifier. | |
DealerId | Integer | The dealer's Aimbase identifier. | |
ProductId | Integer | The product's Aimbase identifier. | |
LeadDate | X | YYYY-MM-dd ±hh:mm | The date the lead was entered. |
ViewedDate | YYYY-MM-dd ±hh:mm | The date the lead was viewed by the assigned contact. | |
Event | X | String (50) | The event on the lead. |
Score | Integer | The score on the lead | |
CreateDate | YYYY-MM-dd ±hh:mm | The creation date of the lead | |
UpdateDate | YYYY-MM-dd ±hh:mm | The latest update date of the lead | |
CreateAccountId | Integer | The id of the account that created the lead | |
UpdateAccountId | Integer | The id of the account that last updated the lead | |
SentDate | YYYY-MM-dd ±hh:mm | The date the lead was sent to the contact | |
Medium | X | String (200) | The medium on the lead |
ScoreText | String (30) | The computed text of the score on the lead | |
ProspectInterestId | Integer | The id of the prospect interest | |
IsActive | Boolean | If the lead is in an active state or not. | |
StagingLeadId | Integer | The staging lead ID of the lead | |
DealerDistance | Integer | Distance of the lead from the assigned dealer | |
DealerDistanceMiles | Integer | Distance in miles of the lead from the assigned dealer | |
IsQualified | Boolean | If the lead is qualified or not | |
FollowUpStatusCode | X | String | The follow up status code of the lead. |
PurchaseStatusCode | X | String | The purchase status code of the lead. |
LeadTypeCode | X | String | The lead type code for the lead |
LeadCategoryCode | X | String | The lead category code for the lead |
LeadSourceCode | X | String | The lead source code for the lead |
LeadCampaignCode | X | String | The lead campaign code for the lead |
LeadStatusCode | X | String | The lead status code for the lead. Default is Pending. |
ConditionCode | X | String | The condition of the product New (N), Used (U) or Showroom (S). |
Customs | X | Customs | Custom fields defined in Aimbase are listed as "FieldName" : "FieldValue" under the customs object. |
Metadata | X | Metadata | If any metadata appears on the lead, it will be listed as "FieldName":"FieldValue" under the metadata object. |
Expand Options
The prospect information is not included by default, but you can expand the lead object to get prospect information on the lead as well. When you expand, you will get additional fields related to the prospect that the lead belongs to. This includes first and last name, email, and more.
Prospect Fields on Expand
Field Name |
Editable | Format |
Description |
Id |
The prospect record’s identifier. |
ExternalId |
The prospect record’s external identifier for external systems (if available). |
ProspectUid |
The prospect record’s UID. |
ProspectAggregationId | The prospect record's aggregation identifier. | ||
CompanyId |
The prospect’s company ID if applicable. |
LastName |
X |
The prospect’s last name. |
FirstName |
X |
The prospect’s first name. |
Title |
X |
The prospect’s title or salutation. |
Address1 |
X |
The prospect’s mailing address line 1. |
Address2 |
X |
The prospect’s mailing address line 2. |
City |
X |
The prospect’s mailing address city. |
State |
X |
The prospect’s mailing address state. |
PostalCode |
X |
The prospect’s mailing address postal code. |
ZIP4 |
X |
The prospect’s mailing address +4 zipcode numbers. |
CompanyName |
X |
The name of the company the prospect works for. |
CompanyTitle |
X |
The prospect’s job title at their company. |
County |
X |
The prospect’s mailing address county. |
Country |
X |
The prospect’s mailing address country name. |
HomePhone |
X |
The home phone number of the prospect. |
WorkPhone |
X |
The work phone number of the prospect. |
Fax |
X |
The fax number of the prospect. |
X |
The email address of the prospect. |
PhoneRefused |
X |
The prospect’s phone refused value. |
TextRefused |
X |
The prospect’s text refused value. |
MailRefused |
X |
The prospect’s mail refused value. |
FIPSCode |
X |
The FIPS code of the prospect’s mailing address county. |
CensusCode |
X |
The prospect’s census code value. |
CassCertified |
X |
The prospect’s cass certified value. |
CountryCode |
X |
The prospect’s mailing address country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) |
MobilePhone |
X |
The mobile phone number of the prospect. |
AddrStatus |
X |
The prospect’s address status value. |
AddrError |
X |
The prospect’s address error description value. |
LangCode |
X |
The prospect’s language code (ISO 639-1) |
CassOverride |
X |
The prospect’s cass override value. |
IsActive |
Boolean |
Indicates if the prospect record is active or inactive. |
IsInvalidEmail |
Boolean |
Indicates if the prospect’s email address is an incorrectly formatted email address. |
IsAddressCleaned |
Boolean |
Indicates if the prospect’s mailing address has been cleaned by an address standardizing service. |
EmailRefused |
X | Boolean |
Indicates if the prospect has refused emails. |
Score |
Number |
The prospect’s score value. |
ScoreText |
The prospect’s score text value. If the prospect’s score is greater than 100, it will be displayed as “100+” |
LegacyCustomerId |
Number |
The prospect’s legacy customer ID value. |
OriginProspectType |
The original prospect type that was set on the prospect record when it was created. |
CurrentProspectType |
X |
The most up to date prospect type for the prospect. |
CompetitiveBrand |
X |
The prospect’s competitive brand value. |
Latitude |
X |
The latitude value of the prospect’s postal code. |
Longitude |
X |
The longitude value of the prospect’s postal code. |
IsNurtured |
X | Boolean |
Indicates if the prospect should receive nurture emails. |
CreateDate |
The time the prospect was created. |
UpdateDate |
The time the prospect was last updated. |
Customs |
Collection of Custom Data |
The custom data associated with the Prospect. |
Sample Queries
Get All Leads - Default Page Size 1,000
GET http://{baseurl}/odata/V2/Leads
Get a Lead and Expand Prospect
GET https://{baseurl}/odata/V2/Leads(114)?$expand=Prospect
Patch a Lead
PATCH https://{baseurl}.aimbase.com/odata/V2/Leads(114) Content-Type: application/json Authenticate: Avala-Api {username}:{token} { "Medium": "Medium" }
Example Response (expanded by Prospect)
{ "@odata.context": "https://{baseurl}/odata/V2/$metadata#Leads/$entity", "Id": 114, "ExternalId": "1481995", "LeadUid": "cc16dda6-8c50-483b-a928-cc506817cc33", "ProspectId": 74712, "DealerId": 1565, "ProductId": 6064, "LeadDate": "2016-08-29T15:31:01-05:00", "ViewedDate": null, "Event": null, "Score": 0, "CreateDate": "2016-11-22T00:14:41.47-06:00", "UpdateDate": null, "CreateAccountId": 0, "UpdateAccountId": null, "SentDate": "2016-08-29T15:32:04.997-05:00", "Medium": null, "ScoreText": "0", "ProspectInterestId": 1, "IsActive": true, "StagingLeadId": null, "DealerDistance": null, "DealerDistanceMiles": null, "IsQualified": true, "FollowUpStatusCode": "Contacted", "PurchaseStatusCode": "Unknown", "LeadTypeCode": "LeadType", "LeadCategoryCode": "LeadCategory", "LeadSourceCode": "Website", "LeadCampaignCode": null, "LeadStatusCode": "Pending", "Customs": { "BuyTimeFrame": null, "Comment": null, }, "Metadata": {}, "Prospect": { "Id": 74712, "ExternalId": null, "ProspectUid": "b118e079-22ab-493f-8237-83f3e397d1b2", "ProspectAggregationId": 85651, "CompanyId": null, "LastName": "Jane", "FirstName": "Doe", "Title": null, "Address1": "", "Address2": "", "City": "", "State": "CA", "PostalCode": "93023 ", "ZIP4": null, "CompanyName": null, "CompanyTitle": null, "County": null, "Country": "United States", "HomePhone": "111-222-3300", "WorkPhone": "", "Fax": null, "Email": "jane.doe@rollick.io", "PhoneRefused": false, "TextRefused": false, "MailRefused": false, "FIPSCode": null, "CensusCode": null, "CassCertified": null, "CountryCode": "US", "MobilePhone": "", "AddrStatus": null, "AddrError": null, "LangCode": null, "CassOverride": null, "IsActive": true, "IsInvalidEmail": false, "IsAddressCleaned": false, "EmailRefused": false, "Score": 0, "ScoreText": "0", "LegacyCustomerId": 2885537, "OriginProspectType": "Website", "CurrentProspectType": "Website", "CompetitiveBrand": "", "Latitude": 34.448123, "Longitude": -119.252560, "IsNurtured": true, "HomePhoneNumeric": "8054523040", "WorkPhoneNumeric": "", "MobilePhoneNumeric": "", "CreateDate": "2016-11-22T00:14:23.327-06:00", "UpdateDate": null, "CreateAccountId": 0, "UpdateAccountId": null, "Customs": {} } }